Puzzle Quest update

It’s been a little over a week and I’m still playing the heck out of Puzzle Quest.  I close my eyes and I see the game board.  It’s crazy.  I’ve never burned through the DS’s battery so quickly with any other game.  I love how Puzzle Quest is both a casual puzzle game and a deep character building RPG.  Choices made when leveling up, and equipment purchased and used make noticeable differences in the strategy used to beat your opponents.

This game has a crazy grip on me, and I am scared.

Puzzle Quest = latest gaming addiction

I kept seeing people mention this game all over the web.  Apparently it’s hard to find, but my local Best Buy actually had about five copies.  Although that is the ONLY place that has any copies… so… yeah.

Anyway, it’s completely, totally addictive.  It’s built around the color matching mechanics of Bejeweled, but adds so much depth and strategy with its RPG like elements that it really deserves its own classification, as “puzzle game” is just inadequate when describing it.

I’m still really early in the game and I don’t know if it’ll have legs to stick with me the way Animal Crossing has (yeah, AC’s a guilty pleasure) or if I’ll play like mad for the first couple of weeks and then drop it a-la Tetris.  Assuming the addiction doesn’t overwhelm me and I’m able to pull myself away from the game long enough to do so, I’ll post an update in a couple of weeks.

Oh, and it’s got multiplayer!  Now, who do I know that I can push this on…